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Created 26-Nov-08
Modified 9-Jan-09
Visitors 361
122 photos

Italy here we come!Like a seasoned travelerOn our wayTime for LunchA stroll through antiquityLocal TransportationFamiliar name... sort ofPalazzo VecchioPiazza della SignoriaPigeons RuleStatue of Neptune in Piazze della SignoriaReplica of Michelangelo's David on Piazza della SignoriaLion Statue in Piazza della SignoriaSunset over the Arno RiverFlorence at DuskWalking along the ArnoArno SunsetCrescent MoonArno River at NightPonte Vecchio at Night

Guestbook for Florence, Italy
Just looking at all you have captured with your camera, I can tell the love you feel as a photographer and the pride you take in your work. Wonderful trip
i just went on. Thanks Love Grammy
Paul Therrien / RenderLight Video(non-registered)
Great images, absolutely beautiful!

You captured so many great shots. It really makes you feel like you are standing there with you. Your perspective is great! It makes me want to go there with my wife.
What really stands out is the history that is worn right into the city. You can see how old and weathered parts of it is, but that is the one thing that makes you feel so connected to it. Like you are part of an old tradition.

Great job, thanks for letting me view them guys!
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